Kodi penal i republikes se shqiperise pdf

Kodi i punes i azhornuar pdf download 87c6bb4a5b 8 h. Parimet e kodit penal shtuar me ligjin 8733, date 24. Akti i marteses hartohet menjehere, nenshkruhet nga. Posedimi i pasurive per te cilat eshte vendosur konfiskimi. Republika e shqiperise kuvendi p r o j e k t l i gj per nje. Kodi i ri penal permban nje numer zgjidhjesh te reja, te cilat jane plotesisht te natyrshme kur kemi parasysh rrethanat teresisht te ndryshme ne te cilat eshte nxjerre kodi i vjeter. Ligji i ri qe nuk denon vepren penale ka fuqi prapavepruese. The penal code is based on the constitution of the republic of albania with general principles of international criminal law ratified by the albanian state. With the constitutional reform of 1977, the penal code was reformed and has been practiced since then. Gjykata nuk mund te refuzoje te shqyrtoje dhe te jape vendime. Concurrently he has tried publicist writing and published in several albanian dailies editorials tepublikes are focused in the problems that the albanian society in transition is facing. In 129, the penal code of the former kingdom of albania was in force. Between 1945 and 1952, the penal law was separated with different enactments and criminal procedures. Gjykata 1123 11 a funksionet dhe perberja e gjykatave 1114a 11 b rastet e papajtueshmerise me funksionet e gjyqtarit ne gjykim 1523 14 2.

Republika e kosoves republika kosovarepublic of kosovo instituti gjyqesor i kosoveskosovski institut za pravosudjekosovo judicial institute. Legjislacioni penal perbehet nga ky kod dhe ligje te tjera qe parashikojne vepra penale. Ne te gjitha rastet punemarresit i llogaritet vjetersia ne pune qe nga fillimi i marredhenieve te punes. The albanian american republjkes in connecticut aslo albanian specialized law office was founded in in tirana, albania, is at the same time his creation, with the purpose to provide professional and high quality legal. Kuvendi i shqiperise, ne seancen plenare te dates 18 korrik 2019 ka miratuar ligjin nr.